Exterminator FAQs To Check Before A Bug Attack

Extermination 101

First, how much does an exterminator charge? The fee for extermination can vary from bug to bug. For example, some bugs are easier to eradicate than others.

Warning: Ants Extermination in Progress

Relative to other insects such as bees, ants are easier to detect and subsequently eradicate from home infestation. And that’s because you can spot them crawling on a neat line. Black ants don’t bite but the red ones do, and you can feel an ouch coming. Although not as painful as a bee sting, some people, especially children, may be more sensitive to an ant bite than others.

Carpenter ants cost sheet: Between $500 and $1,000 depending on this ant colony’s gravity of the offense; for other varieties, the exterminator’s charge can be as low as $250. Prices don’t include the exterminator’s hourly fees and any repairs that may be undertaken.

Terminator Hourly Rate & Repairs Exclusive

The termite exterminator is the ghost buster of the extermination world. For these little creatures that the expert needs to deal with can get very nasty and covert in their colonizing operations. They can devour entire houses and therefore totally obliterate your real estate asset. Do you know that termites cost US families a whopping $5 billion?


You can be laughing out loud right now. After all, you wonder, how can Batman’s little cousins find their way into your attic or shed cabinets? And yet they do, as research and experience will show. Unknown to many, bat droppings can be deadly. So the next time you see the exterminator, don’t laugh when he or she says that you can develop a serious illness for inadvertently letting the creatures into your home. It’s quite true.

So don’t have any big ideas about turning bats into your home pets or otherwise performing science experiments on them. They can be especially deadly to infants and can easily wreak havoc on their still-developing immune systems. This explains why the price tag for bat extermination can go as high as $500 from a low of $50.

The Great Bed Bugs Problem

Since world travel has been invented, bed bugs have been hitching rides from unsuspecting tourists. These tiny yet Draculeanian creatures can’t get enough of human or even your pet’s blood. So letting them loose in the house is a very bad idea. Exterminators with ghost busting capabilities should be employed to exterminate these creatures from your bed. For these suckers are nasty and can live inside your mattress for a year without replenishing their blood supply: talk about survivors.

And who knows, someone in the family can have an allergic reaction to these tiny fanged creatures. Since they can strike when least expected, you need to call in the extermination cavalry the moment you find one on your bed. Mattress protectors are often not enough to contain an impending invasion in the war for your blood. The price tag for an experienced bed bug exterminator can range from $500 to triple that.Bees can be a nuisance


We all love bees until they stop making honey and start stinging people. The human body can be rather tenacious with these helpful and yet potentially deadly insects. Even if you get bee stings all over your body, chances are, you’ll still be able to live to tell the tale. But if you’re one to suffer from allergic reactions, you can’t take chances with pushing your limits. After all, for a sensitive person, bee stings are enough to trigger a heart attack. Fun fact: Bee extermination falls within the $200 to $500 mark, which is a steal compared to other exterminator preoccupations like the curious case of termites.

And What About Lice?

You would think that with everyone knowing how to shampoo his or her hair, a lice epidemic will be out of the question in this modern age. But think again. Some lice species can get rather tenacious and insist on living on your healthy scalp complete with laying eggs and deploying minute and yet harmful bug droppings when least expected. Lucky for your head, you can call a trusty exterminator too, for the louse-hunting job. For as little as $100 per head, you can experience a great feeling of relief as the ugly creatures depart from the top of your head with swift extermination action. Warning: an hourly minimum wage rate may apply or higher.

Beetles in Your Carpet, Anyone?

Have you seen carpet beetles yet? If you have 20/20 vision, you might have seen them leave the building. Otherwise, these beetles are a serious concern for any aspiring exterminator. Anyone’s carpet, especially the unvacuumed one can be fair game for these insects who can leave their young ones behind and cause an unusual allergic reaction for your own family. Now, this is definitely not family-friendly programming, so you do need to call the extermination specialist. The usual price tag? $250 when caught early.

The Only Creatures that Can Survive a Nuclear Blast

No doubt about it, cockroaches are really ugly, and that tends to be the public opinion on the matter. Unfortunately, nuking these fast moving and in some cases, flying insects can prove to be quite a challenge. And that’s why you’ll need the best man or woman for the job. Now hurry, because these highly prolific and remarkably adaptive creatures can cause a host of tummy problems because they are major carriers of the many harmful bacteria whose names you can’t pronounce. The earlier you call in the exterminator, the better: $300 for the first offense.

The Dust Mites Sequel that You Love to Hate

Dust mites can cause all sorts of problems, even though it’s hard to see them with the naked eye. So naturally, this presents an enormous challenge for the extermination company. Luckily, it has the necessary tools and the exterminator chemicals that can do the job with clockwork precision. So before the problem gets out of hand, who are you going to call? The exterminator, of course. Hint: Between $200-$500 a pop.

Finally, for mice, ticks, and fleas, you can be looking at a $150-$350 tab. The price of liberty from bugs is eternal vigilance, but when all these creatures seem to come out of nowhere, you’ll need to fight back with a final or shock and awe campaign with your exterminator of choice. Do you sleep well at night? The answer to this simple question can leave a trail of phone calls to the friendly pest exterminator near you; unless of course, you have a knack for picking the best extermination specialist out there. Happy hunting!

Calgary Exterminator

Absolute Pest Control Inc
135 Cedardale Pl SW Calgary, AB T2W 5G1
(403) 238-7400

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